Viber Messenger Cuts Business Relations With Facebook

Viber Messenger Cuts Business Relations With Facebook viber facebook 1


Over the past few months Viber witnessed a surge in the number of international users who were searching for the best and most secured messaging app in order to conduct work and study from home – due to COVID-19. As a result, Viber managed to palpably increase its base of users because the messenger offers a fully encrypted service along with various, innumerable video and audio calling features that are demanded by millions of people everywhere.

And due to the fact that Viber has always promised to keep its platform 100% secure with no interference from third / outsider parties, the messaging app has become a favorite for worldwide audiences who are tired of other apps and messaging services that aren’t fully encrypted.

Viber Messenger

Recently Viber revealed that the policies and current practices of Facebook has become unbearable – unforgivable in times – and that imposes that Viber should end all business relations with Facebook for the time being.

The recent news revealed that Viber is joining a group of other brands and advertisers who are cutting relations with Facebook due to its double standards, the constant interference with politics and taking the sides of some prominent political figures. This is of course not the first time that Facebook has been under fire for its ever-changing policies and hidden political practices.


The blue app is also not supporting an end-to-end encryption till now; last year the CEO of Facebook talked about the importance of online privacy and the protection of the user’s vital information; the app promised to introduce fully encrypted messaging sessions as soon as possible, but it turned out that full encryption does not go hand in hand with the company’s current and future plans!

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That’s why Viber amongst other advertisers and collaborators have decided to boycott Facebook and end all business ties. Viber is also going to remove all of Facebook’s integration with its services and apps. The failure of Facebook to rightly moderate the content of the users has led to the rising opposition of advertisers such as Viber resulting in the boycott campaign. The CEO of Viber stated that the major failure of Facebook to provide users with what they need – end-to-end encrypted chats – and the mishandling of information have undermined the status of Facebook in the market. In addition Facebook suspends the accounts of some activists, and allows political figures to post violent and hate-fueled words; and that’s why Facebook is currently, heavily scrutinized for its constant mistakes and misconception of the role of social media platforms.

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