This is What Android Looks Like in 2015

android smartphones

The Android operating system runs in numerous tablets and smartphones across the world. These devices of different technologies, sensors, features, and sizes. While this has led to lots of fragmentation issues, which has made developers’ lives harder, it has also led to a wealth of very interesting hardware, with the manufacturers putting a lot of trials to offer premium prices with the best manufacturing budget. The landscape of the Android OS has continued to shift over the past few years. There are some new small developers who have entered in this ring although Samsung is still the leading name around.

For the fourth year in row, the OpenSignal that makes an app which maps wireless signal coverage, has mapped out the Android’s state so as to show so as to show the kind of world of operating system versions, screen sizes, and phones look like. It is otherwise important to understand that this data will only come from those people who download the OpenSignal application, meaning that they might not be the whole representation of the market state. Basically, there are some people from certain areas who don’t use this app and in others where the Play Store is not available like China.

The state of Android is very terrifying when you look at OpenSignal’s device fragmentation map. This is due to the fact that they are very many phones that ever and these devices are coming from al over across the world. This application has counted over twenty four thousand different devices, from the twelve thousands that had been counted back in the year 2013. With a separate map, which has broken down by brands, the ecosystem is widely comprehensible.

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Among the devices that seen by OpenSignal are tablets and phones by Samsung, which accounted for 37.8 percent of the total Androind devices. This makes Samsung to remain as the leading company with most phones in the market, although a step down from 2014 when the company had 43 percent of the market share. There is no any other manufacturer that is even close to Samsung, with Sony beng the runner up will 4.8 percent of tablets and phones. Other companies that follow Sony include HTC, Motorola, and LG. there is also a noticeable representation of Chinese manufacturers that include Xiaomi, ZTE, Lenovo, and Huawei. The top brand in China is Xiaomi which is followed by Samsung.

According to the chart there is a rise in small maufacturers that have totaled to 1,294. This has increased by more than a thousand since 2012 when OpenSignal only recorded about 200 manufacturers. Such manufacturers have also been able to make the Android world very exciting. A prime example is OnePlus that was inexistent in 2012 but it is now making very awesome devices.

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