The Efficacy of the Instagram Formula of Posts and Timing

The Efficacy of the Instagram Formula of Posts and Timing instagram timing 1

After the recent news that the viral picture-based app Instagram is negotiating the implementation of the rumoured upcoming feature of tapping on the preferred posts instead of scrolling, some newer news reported that the alleged Instagram myth of posting a new photo in the right time may be true.

Many Instagram users have already wondered about the fact that some of the most popular accounts on the platform appear to be following a good criteria of posting a new photo in the high hours of the day which will, as a result, earn the Instagram influencer more recognitions and followers. And in the past weeks, an Instagram spokesperson made a statement to clarify whether or not time is a main factor when it comes to making a new post on the notorious visual platform.

Reportedly, the main criterion to arrange the priority list of the posts that appear in the user’s Instagram feed, is a feed ranking one; through the feed ranking technology deployed by the popular app, the previous user’s usage information are utilized to predict his most preferred Instagram accounts and users and consequently the posts that turn out to be most desired by the user are the ones that are going to debut first on his feed.

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Nevertheless, the official spokesperson assured that timing is not a main factor for sorting the most preferred posts on the side of the user; each Instagram user is targeting a different audience and presents different contents and thus the timing is highly an individual choice on Instagram.

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