Nimbuzz Messenger App Review


Now is the era of Smartphones, Tablets, Laptops and most important of them all- internet. Now we don’t hang around at the parks or malls because we have internet enabled phone on which we can remain connected with our friends, family and relatives all the time. The internet is awash with many a messenger apps that help you stay connected with your favorites but one app that is the oldest of them all is Nimbuzz. If Nimbuzz can be termed as the father of all messenger apps then it won’t be any overstatement because it is the one that paved way for different apps to blossom; it gave an idea to app developers to develop apps better than it. Since its inception, it has improved itself a lot to give a good fight to other contemporary apps both in terms of functionality as well as popularity.

Nimbuzz was one of the initial messenger apps that were presented before the masses. Its first release was come in 2008 and the world was taken aback with how great it was. The Nimbuzz Messenger App that rolled in after its inception was great and the world has taken it with both hands because it provided with something that they have not heard of before. Nimbuz, now, has gone under several updates and is now available on a number of operating systems such as windows phone, android, Symbian, Java,Windows, iOS, Blackberry OS, and Mac OS. Another great feature about it that it supports around 3000 models of different phones which is a remarkable feat in itself. What it does is that it allows even simple phones to use it and stay connected with their near and dear ones, which is not possible with other high profile apps.

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When you look closely at various Nimbuzz Messenger App Review, you will find that people like this app because it allows them to use different social media accounts such as Facebook Chat, gTalk, Yahoo Messenger and Twitter feeds; all that with one single app. All they have to do is to make an account on Nimbuzz and connect all these social networks on it and enjoy uninterrupted virtual contact with their favorites. With the help of Nimbuzz, they don’t have to launch different apps every time and just use them at one single place.

With new apps coming in, Nimbuzz also providing calling facilities to its users without any charge; however, for international call, a nominal charge has to paid by the user but that is really nominal when you take into consideration the prevalent ISD rates in and to most of the countries. Another feature of it that gets most of the mention when you read Nimbuzz Messenger App Review is its group chat features through which users can create a group of their own or can join in groups of others and make new friends.

All in all, Nimbuzz has been and still is one of the best all in one app and several Nimbuzz Messenger App Reviews are a testament to this statement.

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