New Unintentionally Dangerous WhatsApp Feature

New Unintentionally Dangerous WhatsApp Feature WhatsApp cloud BACKUP 1

This year, the most notorious messenger, WhatsApp, tried to conquer some serious obstacles and at the same time provide the users will a huge variety of features and services that range from as simple as “Mark as Read” feature to the very recent unlimited backup service that WhatsApp granted the users in order to provide them with an extra online cloud. In a recent collaboration with Google, WhatsApp messenger presented its new unlimited online cloud that’s designed to help the users store anything and create backup as well. The new WhatsApp feature is, of course, a very helpful one to many users who need online spaces to use; but after the release of the new online cloud, there were some speculations about the risks that this feature could bring about to the users who store pretty much everything in the cloud.

After the inauguration of the WhatsApp cloud, many users were definitely rejoicing that unlimited online space is being granted to them by their beloved app; however, many opposing parties started to note that the new feature is to some extent dangerous as it can trun into a hunting area for hackers and cyber criminals. Several experts declared that the new WhatsApp cloud is indeed an excellent target for hackers who may not be as interested in personal information and photos as they’ll be in business deals and details stored online. Many businesses and intreprenuers use WhatsApp as the main means of communication and consequently using the new unlimited WhatsApp storage can put these onging projects and companies in danger as they are more likely to be attacked by hackers.

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Experts opposing the new WhatsApp online storage state that the problem stems from two major parts: the first is that it’s not a clever idea to store each and every thing online – and in one place; it’s way better if the business holders choose carefully what they want to share online and what they prefer to keep discrete.

The second part of the problem lies not in the quantity of information and files kept in the cloud, but in the importance and confidentiality of the information stored; if the WhatsApp online storage gets hacked at any moment, many crucial and extremely sensitive data could be exposed to the wrong parties which might lead to blackmailing and business failures. As a result, it’s recommended that businessmen and intreprenuers put to use some strict rules that can greatly help to prevent any compromising of projects and businesses; the amount of data and the extent of its importance should be discussed thoroughly with the clients; and the same criteria should be applied to the personal stuff as well!

Do not store any thing that may cause problematic situations online – unless extremely necessary.

Editorial Staff

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