Most Popular Messaging Apps in Europe

Most Popular Messaging Apps Europe


Gone are the days when we used to count the number of characters before sending a text message to a friend. Gone are the days when we were afraid of sending an image via mobile as MMS due to the cost.  Now a days, we do not even worry about the image file size before sending it to 100s of people at just  the click of a button. Thanks to the internet penetration. Thanks to mobile phone availability. Thanks to technological advancement.  Today irrespective of the mobile platform you own, there is an app that makes things easy.

Following are the messaging apps that is used maximum in the European countries:


This application was released in the year 2010 and provided all the functionalities that were supported by Whatsapp. It also provided something extra that is still not catered by Whatsapp. It provides VoIP services. You can make vice and video calls using this application. Recently, Viber released a service called Viber Out. This is a paid service which is used by users who want to make calls to mobiles and landlines. This was developer by 4 Israeli people.

Whatsapp Messenger

An application that became a boon to the consumers but a concern for the mobile service companies because people stopped using  SMSes.  This application had  gained so much fame that it almost threatened the existence of the world’s most famous social network Facebook.

I really feel that to be  the very reason why Mark thought it was a good bet to acquire the app. The application made it really easy to send and receive messages on the go. Slowly they added the capability of  sending  voice, video , and picture messages. Initially  they started for free. Soon they started charging the customers an annual fee of 2 dollars to make a profit and sustain the current services.This application was released in the year 2009.

Read More >>  WhatsApp Messenger Update

Facebook Messenger

Facebook tried to provide a chatting service that was successful for its web presence and thought they have achieved what was needed to sustain for few more years. Then came the era of mobile messaging apps like Whatsapp that soon started taking away a fair market share of Facebook users. Forced by the sheer will to sustain the market share, they soon rolled out their own mobile app (that used MQTT protocol which was built on top of TCP/IP protocol ). This application bore close resemblance to its current web chatting system.


A revolutionary application that made the term VoIP can common phrase used today. This application is used to make free VoIP calls between skype users.

Telegram Messenger

Recently i have seen a huge shift in the user base of messaging apps. Due to security issues people are  using telegram as it uses encrypted messaging mode even if the FBI asks the company to disclose the messages it cannot get the messages. Firstly, it uses encryption before sending the messages. Secondly, it supports self destruction of messages. These features make it a very secure app to transfer messages that you do not want others to have a look at.

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