Messenger Apps ready for Android 9.0

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Now you can get Android 9.0 and your favourite messenger apps free for newest google OS update. Google tradition holds that commercial names of new Android versions will be kept secret, and this latest uptake is not different. While no sources are particularly trustworthy for the information presently, some of the names for Android’s new 9.0 P that have been passed around include Pie, Pistachio Ice Cream, Pancake, Peppermint, Praline and Pineapple.

Currently, it is only a few weeks until Android 9.0 launches and we finally have the new name. It comes from an employee of Huawei, so we believe it is trustworthy. It came after a user from Poland contacted customer support in order to find out about an Android 8.0 Oreo update for a device of his. Into the conversation, the customer service rep actually mentioned the name, Android Pistachio.

Of course, we have to take into consideration that service reps can sometimes be misinformed. They also have the option to just go with the rumored name, giving those rumors more credibility, only to pop the real name in later. We are simply left to ponder and wonder which one might actually be going on, in reality.

The customer had asked whether his Huawei P9 Lite mini would be getting the Android 8.0 Oreo. That is when the response from the customer service rep actually named the Android P. Google is actually set to make the name announcement within the next month, as well as which devices will be compatible with the new OS.

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Some have doubted the fact that Android 9.0 P will simply be called Pistachio without having “Ice Cream” added behind. Google has already set the trend for including a sweet treat in every new Android version, and Pistachio just does not line up with that tradition. For instance, we have already had Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow and Lollipop, so it only makes sense that another desert option will come with Android 9.0 P.

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On the other hand, the name Pistachio Ice Cream seems a bit out of sorts as well, because Google has already had a version in the form of Ice Cream Sandwich. Currently, however, it is simply known as Android P. What we know about it so far is that features will include a notifications shade that has had a redesign, new smart notifications as well as battery life improvement that comes thanks to machine learning. Users will also have the option for a Dark Mode theme set with options for wallpaper brightness that include Automatic, Dark and Light.

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