Lango Messaging App For iOS and Android

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Self expression gets a new meaning with the Lango Messaging App! Sometimes there are a lot of emotions held within us and it becomes difficult to put them all into words. When the words fall short, images can do the job with ease. The Lango Messaging App is one such chat messenger that promises to offer more fun communicating!

Lango Messaging is basically an instant messaging app that oozes a lot of style. When it comes to the fundamentals, it is quite similar to any other messenger such as LINE, Viber or WhatsApp. So, what’s different about the Lango Messaging App?

This chat messenger allows you to communicate with your friends in an amazing way. It spices up your messages with several icons that can be triggered to match your content.

You can choose to insert the icons manually based on what you write, and this will highly depend on what is best for different situations. The app also allows you to create a custom signature for all your messages.

There are several icons and wallpapers that com along with the app and these are by default. Users may also purchase extra icons on the app store. This is similar to the services offered at LINE.

How can you use Lango to update your social media accounts?

You may use the Lango messenger app to quickly update your status on different social media platforms such as Twitter, Google Plus and Facebook. The biggest plus point about this feature is that it just takes a few taps on the screen and you are done updating in a matter of seconds.

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The Lango messenger app is an incredible messaging tool that takes communication at a different level altogether. It is more popular with the youths, especially the teenagers. They can use the several icons to communicate in an exciting and fun way! After a certain age, most of these icons might appear slightly immature.

The Lango messenger app is available for both iOS and Android platform. It can be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play for free!

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