Instant Apps and Games to Snapchat Ads

snapchat ads

Snap recently announced that it would have fourteen new creative partners to help them build custom games and so much more into their Snapchat ads in the very near future. There will also be interactive videos, preloaded instant applications and other experiences that will make ads come alive more than they did by simply sending you to a boring old website.

The Creative Partner program was launched last year as part of an open developer program. Instead of building visuals between content, however, these creative partners will be enhancing the swipe up experience for those ads that load inside the Snapchat browser itself.

Snapchat is currently testing new functionality in affiliation with partners. One of the games being tested is a football game set to play in tandem with this year’s superbowl campaign by Budweiser. Another is a soccer game, from AdWeek SocialTimes, made specifically for Adidas.

There are hopes that the experience of post swiping can be made more enjoyable so that Snapchat users will not skip through the ads so quickly. It might also, it is hoped, lead to more time spent on the site as well as more engagement, since the user will actually be interacting with the landing page of the ad.

Here are some of the new Snap partners, along with what they will be providing to clients.

  • Slyce will offer mobile coupons to those who click on their ads.
  • Pop Wallet will also offer mobile coupons
  • CrossInstall will provide ads that you will be able to play in order to push for more downloads of their games from their website.
  • GameCommerce will give a platform of branded game developments.
  • TreSensa will offer custom games.
  • Entrypoint will allow for 360 videos.
  • Wirewax can be visited for videos you will be able to interact with.
  • Flyr offers design templates that can be customized.
  • Whalar will be able to match influencers with appropriate brands.
  • Undertone will be offering ad design with a classy, premium touch.
  • Ceros will be available for interactive experiences as well as animations.
  • Jebbit will host campaigns for lead generation, complete with forms that are fillable.
  • Adludio will give you experience that gyroscope powered.
  • Famous will give you immediate instant apps that are not only preloaded for quick web viewing, but will also be interactive as well.
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