Huawei is One of the top 10 Global Smartphone Brands

HUAWEI honor plus

Despite numerous Chinese products being seen all over the world, none could succeed in coming on the global map as valued brands. Huawei seems to have surged ahead due to its innovative qualities. The company isn’t satisfied with making USB dongles for BT and Vodafone.

They are now heavily into the smartphone business. They seem to now dominate the telecommunication business since the last two years. It has the technological infrastructure and professionals to boast of. But will they be able to catch the fancy of the consumers worldwide? By getting a new product called Honor they seem to have blown off the bugle to the world. The new facility can match the Silicon Valley standards and has an open environment to work and innovate.  The company is so large that it is the equivalent of what Google employees feel. Most young graduates want to work for this company. The bosses feel there is already a need and they are catering to it. They have not released a new product and marketing it. Already across continents the products made by Huawei is being used. The name is already known.

Huawei Honor is aimed for buyers’ called digital natives who prefer to be heard than lectured. That really sums up the current mood where the company is headed. Will they be able to succeed in their endeavors and also invent another exciting new brand?

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