How Facebook Can Defeat VK Chat App in Russian Hands Down Revealed!

Facebook vk chat

VK Chat App formerly referred to as VKontakle provides users with features like those on Facebook and it is one of the largest social networks in Russia with more than 100 million users. Depending on the data, VK is one of the well-known website in the whole of Russia.

VK chat app is frequently claimed to be a genetic copy of Facebook, accommodating similar concept and comparable business model, as a result of its functionality and design. Nevertheless, with an interface highly reminiscent of Facebook, the inclusion of other features in VK app makes it similar to MysSpace, Pandora and YouTube, rolled into one.

With VK Chat App, users can message their friends either publicly or privately, share and tag videos and images, create groups and public pages and play games.

VK app offers a special feature that catches the attention of more new members on daily basis and makes them spend a lot of time online. Users of VK chat app are capable of viewing a lot of plagiarized copies of household and foreign movies dubbed into Russian with VK app. On the other hand, it is possible for users to download and upload audio and video files by the use of the VK Tracker application. This is the most significant advantage of VK Chat app.

The best way by which Facebook can defeat VK in Russia is to cooperate and join hands with some other frustrated companies and persuade the Russian parliament to reform copyright laws on the Internet. Nonetheless, it will be difficult for facebook to compete with the VK, while the online piracy of music and movies in VK continues to exist.

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