Google Releases New Photos App for Android

Google Photos App Android

Over the years Google has grown into a brand that everyone talks about. Year in and year out they keep introducing new products and in most cases these products are a hit. Recently, they have released a new app and it is no surprise to anyone that the product will be a hit. The product that they recently released is an application called Google+ Photos App.

Google+ Photos App features

Using this new application you can upload any number of photos and videos you want for free. The application comes with a few features that are outstanding and I will discuss some of them. Sometimes you want to upload a photo for whatever reason but the app you are using compresses it to make it compatible and this at times spoils the photo. Well, you do not have to worry about that anymore because Google+ Photos App sorts you out. You can upload and store photos that are up to 16MP on it while the videos can be up to 1080.

Using this new Photos App, you can send a group of pictures at the same time. To do this, you use the “get a link” option. This option creates a customized web link where the intended recipient can get all the photos you have sent. The recipient does not need to download or install any apps to open this link or they need is a web browser that they can use to access the internet and open the link. Also no log in is required to access the link. However there is an additional advantage to those the Photos App. If when you receive the files you are logged in you can import all the photos that you have received immediately and add them to your library. To access this feature click on the cloud symbol that appears at the top of your gallery screen. There is no limitation to the size of photos and videos you can archive using this application.

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In addition to the above features, when you start the app, the first thing you see on the start screen is a pinwheel animation that makes up part of the splash screen. You can also use the app to search for the image of whoever or whatever you want. Users can also have their photos sorted in whatever criteria they want.

The app is quite appealing and a good one to have on your phone.

Download Google+ Photos App for Android here: google android app photos

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  1. Why do I keep getting a message that Google Play has stopped every couple of minutes? And how can I stop this messages from coming on my Samsung Tablet?

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