Download Hatcook, Cookpad and MyTaste Apps for your Smartphone

mytaste app


However, the Hatcook application may be facing a fierce competition from other established apps such as: Cookpad and MyTaste; yet, Rey assures that the main goal of Hatcook is to encourage more people to join the cooking platform that’s aimed for the younger audience of normal cooks and experienced chefs as well.

The Hatcook app rose to prominence after its founder managed to transform his love for cooking to an online website that contains more than 9000 recipes for free. The Hatcook user can easily explore and search through the app to find exactly what he desires; and he can also type in a specific sort of ingredient and instantly the entire dishes that contain that ingredient will emerge. Fortunately, the Hatcook app has various and different kinds of recipes that range from the easiest to the most sophisticated dishes.

In 2011, the Hatcook was awarded with its own iOS version that was created in an attempt to ease the use of the app for many users who are very into experimenting with their recipes whilst in the kitchen. And in 2012 as well the Hatcook app took the Android devices by storm and was downloaded by innumerable users.

Hatcook Links

Download Hatcook App for Android

Download Hatcook App for iPhone

Cookpad Links

Download Cookpad App for Android

Download Cookpad App for iPhone

MyTasteApp Links

Download MyTasteApp for Android

Download MyTasteApp for iPhone

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