WhatsApp Messenger drives its Biggest Update

whatsapp status

As the WhatsApp recently brought up its newest update which made it seem more like a Snapchat, the after effect from the app store analysts was rapid and swift. The app’s continuous high ratings declined to one and two stars reviewed in last few weeks, as users have made complaints regarding the messaging app which was purchased by Facebook, has destroyed its customer relationship with its new features like the “status” feature. This feature allows users to upload photos, video clips and GIFS can be loaded with colorful emoji, texts and then vanishes after 24 hours.

Seem familiar? The feature is more like the Snapchat’s Stories which have been imitated by the fellow partner of Facebook, Instagram too. A reviewer made a remark on the Apple’s App Store on March 7 and said that the recent update had devastated the flawless app. Another review made on March 10, saying that why the company has destroyed the functional platform of the app by bringing in the Snapchat’s status update technology.

WhatsApp has not decided to take a complete U-turn rather it plans to bring back its old feature of simple text status which sets well for every user’s profile. The default line for this status is “Hey there, I’m using WhatsApp!” but most of the users like to make it more personalized while giving the descriptions like “Chilling” or “Playing.”

The WhatsApp spokesperson mentioned that the company is aware of the people who missed the capability to set the constant text status update on their profile, so the company has decided to integrate this thing in the About part of the app. This rapid response made by WhatsApp exhibits that it doesn’t want to lose its more than 1 billion global users just by a feature which feels unfamiliar. The app was first launched about eight years ago, and its user interface has not varied since then. The insertion of status was the biggest modification after its release, an early pivot to become a messaging app.

WhatsApp doesn’t make any income at the start but soon after when it was purchased by Facebook in February 2014, it has been revolutionized by the system which allows sending messages for business purposes. For example, the ban notifications to its customer about the potential bank activity happened to his account or a notice about the delayed flight and so on.

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Editorial Staff at Downloadmessenger.org is a team of WordPress Marketing Experts led by Mary Anne. Page maintained by Mary Anne.

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