Under Armour launches HTC Android Smartwatch

htc halfbeak smartwatch

HTC is currently not doing so well in the smartphone world so they are trying to do a comeback with a new line of products. One of these products is apparently going to be a new Android smartwatch produced together with the company called Under Armour, known for producing high-quality sports clothes.

HTC is very mysterious about their new products, only rumors circulated for their new watch, and now we have pictures to confirm that. Although HTC cancelled their smartwatches several times from 2014, it seems they have finally materialized their ideas.

Photos of leaked of HTC’s Android Smartwatch codenamed Halfbeak reveal that there is a true round display with the resolution of 360 x 360 surrounded by metal, Moto 360 uses the similar one.

True round display are displays that are round all over their edge, different from flat tire displays that come with the flat edge on their bottom part. It appears it will be in mate black color, with three buttons on the right side, with non-removable bands.

On the back of the picture we can confirm that this is truly an HTC smartwatch, because on the back there is HTC logo, with an Under Armour logo above. Also, we can see that optical heart monitor was included with 4-pin charging system.

There were some photos showing us that the HTC’s smartwatch is using outdated software Android Wear 5.1.1, this is common practice with prototypes and it will be probably updated prior to release. Taiwanese manufacturer was silent about the release date, after all there is a good possibility that HTC already ditched their smartwatch.

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