Spotify, Netflix, LINE, Pandora & HBO tops the list of Biggest Apps of 2016


According to the latest yearly report made by the Sensor Tower mentioned about the top apps of 2016, the streaming apps dominated when it was discussed which apps, other than the games, have made their mark in delivering the highest revenue in the past year. On the top list is Spotify, which has not only scored highest but also got a spot on the iTunes App store.

However, it remained on number one revenue maker in both platforms, Google Play and App Store.

Meanwhile, the chat app Line messenger made its score in all the Android apps; it is ranked as the number two app by the overall revenue performance made by the services, followed by Netflix, Tinder, Pandora and then HBO. Hulu also made its spot on the list, as the number 9 app on the revenue and number 7 on the App Store.

The list shows that the trend is getting towards cord cutting – taking the attention of users from linear TV to streaming apps – and is getting stronger with the expansion in the subscription involving services of the streaming of music. Having that said, getting the high rank on the App Store’s revenue list is one thing but transmitting into a profit-making business is still a challenge.

For making the services more attractive, HBO is planning to increase the actual programming by the amount of 50% to 600 hours each year, and it has lowered the price of the services to $5 on the new TV streaming service, DirecTV Now. Everywhere else, on the top of the revenue lists, Line got the hit, especially the services of Line’s comics and storefront, which were released in 2015. The app has made an amazing appearance on all the three lists – number 5 on Google Play, number 8 on the App Store, and number 7 in the overall revenue list.

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According to the report, there were about 80 billion app downloads carried out in total, in the whole year. All these lists were made by the App Store intelligence corporation Sensor Tower. All the research may vary from those which are made by the rivals like App Annie, depending on the way other companies produce and work out on the data. But, it will be an advantageous key point comparison for moving forward, as more lists will appear showing the last year’s performance of the apps.

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