SnapChat: Ability to Produce its Original Content

snapchat content

The aim of SnapChat is production of its own content, which is the other key distinction of this app from Circa. The latter was a news aggregator. It plugged stories from different outlets and then highlighted the most vital details. Through the “Live Stories” feature, SnapChat has demonstrated its capabilities to offer original content. This feature flags together a sequence of “snaps” so as to form a story. Its stories last for 24 hours despite the fact that the photos last for just a few seconds.

Why SnapChat May Succeed As A News App

According to the company, “Live Stories” draw about 20 million people (audience) within a 24 hours window period. The company/app earned plaudits for its one story that had photos and messages from people who were living in Charleston, South Carolina. These people were reeling from a church massacre. The app also responded promptly with stories and photos during the Supreme Court’s decision that marked the same-sex marriage.

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