Say Hello to Hike Mesenger Call, Free Voice Call Over 2G & 3G

Hike messenger Calls

The Indian based smartphone application Hike messenger has announced the feature of free voice calling over Wi-Fi, 2G and 3G around the world in over 200 countries. Hike messenger is an Indian based application which is known for its great features like free SMS over 2G and 3G, the group chatting, themes supports and number of animated stickers.

Hike Messenger is one of the most downloaded applications in India in term of “chat” application while its download also increased when the CEO of Hike announced about the upcoming feature of free voice calling.

Hike was launched in the end of 2012 and reached to 40 million users before December 2014. The feature of free SMS, sending SMS to offline friends and option to hide private chat impress number of people around the world to download the application.

According to the company the most users of Hike belongs to India and they are less than 18. According to company the reason behind Hike popularity is not just its amazing features but also its consume very low amount of user data.

We have seen that in year 2015, there are lot of improvements has been introduced by many application like WhatsApp by introducing free voice calling option but still you need to have internet for voice calling in Whatsapp, while on other hand the Hike is about to introduce Hike call which does not required internet, a user can voice call over 2G and 3G network.

Hike call is already in its beta version on Andriod because it shares more than 90% of total users of Hike. The company has not mentioned any date for Hike call on iOS and Windows phone yet.

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Officially Hike call has not be launched and announced by company. The date of Hike call is not yet announced, but it is expected that Hike will launched the calling features before the end of June because they has recently introduced the version 2.9.4 for Windows Mobile which includes new sets of stickers and better loading time.

Messenger for 2G and 3G

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