Microsoft launched Live Streaming feature for Xbox One Players

Microsoft Live Streaming Xbox One

Gamers on Microsoft Xbox One are now happy. As they get the most awaited feature of Xbox One. Microsoft announces that now players of Xbox one can do a live stream of their video game sessions with others through their own gaming broadcasting services known as beam streaming.

This announcement is really helpful for Xbox One Gamers because millions of them used Twitch which is actually Amazon Rival streaming service. By launching this service Microsoft is openly giving the challenge to Twitch which is best gaming streaming service available in the market at the moment.

Microsoft revealed a simple line for its Broadcasting service which is “built right into your Xbox One”. This means simple that Now the users of Xbox One don’t need to load any other App to get into their console before broadcasting or playing their games session.

Microsoft is not the base company behind Beam. Actually, Microsoft bought a company in August for an unknown price which made Beam. At the moment beam is not available in the market for general public, it is still in the position of testing among some users. Users with test version say that they can easily modify some of their favorite video games like Minecraft with the help of a software development kit.

By the way, in the announcement, Microsoft did not reveal anything about modifying video games. And it is not revealed yet how is Microsoft planning to encourage Gamers through this live streaming service. Chad Gibson, Microsoft partner group program manager told Gamespot which is a big gaming Publication that very new interactive modding features will come in beam and you will see them in the market very soon (may be in this year).

There is a leaked date about Beam launch which is April 11.

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Let’s see how much it is helpful for Xbox One ?and how much it gives competition to twitch? But overall this is a good step by Microsoft fo Gamers.

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