Malware on Tinder App?

tinder app malware

Perhaps it’s a bit preemptive to say that it’s time to delete the application completely, if you’re a Tinder fan. However, you should know that recent news is getting pushed forward in regards to the world of scams linking the application to all sorts of bad things. Tinder, for those that aren’t sure what it’s all about, is a dating app where users can swipe right or left depending on whether they want to meet someone or not. If the other person sights right, then the two are allowed to communicate. However, Tinder application has been getting a bad reputation because of scams that are abundant, as well as frequent abuse, bullying, and more that happens in conversations with matches.

Being Careful Online

More so than ever, consumer watch groups, including the Better Business Bureau is recommending precautions for online daters. If you’re going to use the applications that abound, you have to be careful as to whom you speak to, and what information you’re willing to give away. In the case of Tinder, you may open yourself up to a lot of scams such as “catfishing”. This term made famous by a documentary in which someone pretended to be someone else in order to scam the documentarian. The film spawned a television show in which young people meet their online crushes to find whether they are telling the truth or not, mostly to no positive end.

Enter Malware

The latest issue that Tinder is having, is not a new kind of story. The scam is very simple, and daters are desperate for communication. The scam for malware is simple enough. The individual you chat with on the site will request for you to go to another site to continue the conversation, citing a variety of reasons. The targets usually go to the link and end up with a lot of spam, malware, and spyware. Even with plugins that are supposed to stop this, people are still coming up with infected computers, just by clicking the links and trying to find love.

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In the end, if you’re using Tinder right now, don’t fall for this scam. Don’t click any links, and perhaps get a real phone number and talk on the phone, instead of relying on the chat option. Tinder hasn’t commented on this latest scam or others, but there is no doubt enough news to start causing alarm on their end.

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