Is Instagram Photo Sharing good for Teenagers?

instagram teenager

The Instagram is a website which is well acknowledged by the various celebrities and those whose lifestyles you would like to adopt, but what influence is it leaving on teenagers? The question is raised by a researcher at Belgian University, and the studies may amaze you. The results show that for few adults, using this app may lead to the strengthening of their friendships by bringing them closer to their loved ones.

The study was arranged to find out the relation between the social network sites used by the students and their well-being. Between 2013 to 2014, volunteers were asked to fill the survey forms during the interval of six months. In survey forms, students were asked about the usage of different sites (like Snapchat, Instagram and Facebook) as well as the mental level indicators such as daily life satisfaction, loneliness, depression etc.

The data which was collected during research was analyzed by Dr. Eline Frison. And it was found that there has been increase in the depression during these six months, for few students. While for others, it led to strong friendships with their fellows and a feeling of closeness intimidated between them.

The data was analyzed by Dr. Eline Frison, and it revealed that frequent use of Instagram resulted in an increase in depression six months down the line, at least for some students. Before six months of testing, the level of depression was low among users. The past researches have been done that the effect of using Facebook on youngster’s wellbeing. Few have found that effect of Instagram on user’s mental abilities in past. However, this is the first research which is profoundly focused on finding out the relation between usage of Instagram with time and the well-being of adults.

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It is first time that researchers have examined the role of user’s closeness with friends in a dynamic way.

Telling about the results, Dr. Frison told that at this age, people may put themselves at risk for influence of Instagram, given the growing fame of this app among adults and expansion of the depression symptoms during this age of life. The study presents the deeper insight into the results of Instagram use by the adults. Especially, by using Instagram can be truly advantageous and also dangerous at the same time for the well-being of adults.

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