Is FireChat Messenger the Worst Messaging App on the Market?

Firechat messenger app

FireChat messenger is a messaging app that isn’t often heard of. Why? It’s debatable, but one of the major reasons is because of its low Google Play Store reviews. The app has an overall rating of 3.4 stars, which doesn’t sound bad, but is quite ugly when compared with other apps like Kik and Facebook Messenger.

So, what makes users give this app such low reviews? Here is a short list.

  1. Notifications

Notifications aren’t usually a bad thing- especially when users can turn them on or off whenever they choose. With FireChat, however, the recommended app notifications can’t be turned off. This means that it’s not uncommon to have FireChat be going off in the middle of the night just to recommend an app.

  1. Connection Problems

Users of FireChat are known to complain about the bad quality of the app’s connection to their device. By this, I mean that when a user tries to send a message without wifi or data (like the app’s description says you can), messages won’t send. This isn’t only annoying, but it’s also inconvenient.

  1. Force Closing

Nothing is more annoying than an app that constantly fore closes itself and kicks the user off of the app. FireChat is said to force close constantly- when the user is on the home page, when the user is sending a message, or when the app is simply running in the background.

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The users who rate the app on the Play Store, claim that before the most recent update, the app was a decent app. What changed it? We’re all wondering. If you’ve used FireChat before (when I was a good app) you might not believe how much it’s deteriorated.

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To put it into perspective for you, here’s a list of some of the most disappointed user’s reviews.

  • “It does not work. I have to have internet to send a message” -P.
  • “Couldn’t get past the signup page. Just wouldn’t let me click on the signup button” -N.
  • “Spammed by notifications” -B.
  • “App spammed me with notifications that were nothing but ads” -R.
  • “Started getting multiple pop up ads daily. Had to track down which app was causing the problem. It was this one. No thanks” -A.

After reading some of the reviews and hearing about the app’s issues, will you give it a try? Or, like most of us, are you going to avoid the app like the plague?

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