Intel and Google team up to making 3D Camera smartphones

project tango

It looks like Intel and Google team are one step closer to creating 3D camera smartphones the new standard as both of them have joined forces to make a 3D Smartphone reference archetype. The human-computer of Intel known as Intel RealSense has been around for a while, while Intel itself is officially a competitor of Google in this particular market — this was announced by the corporation at their Intel Developer Conference that they have teamed up with Google to produce a technical blueprint for a Smartphone that will complete with 3D cam capabilities.

Project Tango that was initiated in February 2014 was more or less a magnificently-gripping idea. 200 prototypes were given out to chosen developers, when it was marketed as an experimental Android of the Smartphone, but not that of humanoid variety. The phones have customized software and hardware such as a motion-tracking camera, integrated depth sensing, and a 4 MP camera, all for real-time 3D usage, and also as a mapping software and GPS tracker.

These phones were dole out to the developers in order for them to come up with more ideas.

In their introductory video, project lead at ATAP – Google Advanced Technology and Projects, Jonny Chung Lee, said that their main objective is to offer mobile devices a human-scale understanding of space and motion.

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