Instagram to Go Globally Live

Instagram Go Live

Over the next week or so, Instagram plans to let everyone, all over the world, “go live”. In order for the live video option to be available to you, you must have installed Instagram version 10.0 or higher.

Instagram, who is owned by Facebook, says that it has been exciting to see the community share new aspects of their lives.

The Instagram Go Live feature was made available to the nearly 80 million users in the United States in December 2016 and since then, other updates have been made as well. Ads are now dropped from users stories, such as Snapchat has done, and Live videos still have no ads.

The Go Live feature will work exactly the same, no matter where users happen to be located. To go live, simply swipe right from the feed and then select live video. These videos can last as long as an hour, but completely disappear the moment they end. This is very much unlike live feeds on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, which can be saved to watch at a later date.

If you prefer to watch live video feeds instead of broadcasting them, you can choose from a list, which will be listed under “Top Live”, which shows what happens to be streaming at the moment.

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