Instagram and How to Edit your Pictures Without any Borders

instagram images

Instagram combines rich opportunities of photo applications for iPhone and Android smartphones, as well as social networking. The most famous application that can easily modify photos is using special filters and various color effects. Until recently, could install Instagram only users of iOS, namely smartphone Apple iPhone or iPod Touch. Instagram has recently introduced a version for the Android operating system. It should be noted the fact that Instagram is also a kind of social networking.

Photos in Instagram – imagination without borders

For users of micro blogging service Twitter should not be Instagram largely unknown. The difference actually lies only in the fact that Twitter is sending short messages, to which you can add a link to the image.

The Instagram again plays a key role with the possibility of adding photo text description. It therefore constitutes a kind of chronologically sorted current photos. You will find among them always-fresh pictures, which are created by users you follow.

You can choose only those people, whose style of shooting is the most close to you. On Instagram, however, you will not find just edited pictures, to which was added some effect and frame. Many people in fact pass the modified images. They are in terms of evaluation, the most credible.

In this way can also be best to find out whether a given picture is high quality or not. It should also be noted that there is no necessity to add photos taken just from a mobile phone. Many users add photos taken with a digital camera.

In Instagram, there are different creations. From the so-called “mirror profile photos” to art photography of people, animals, landscapes and more. Most of the images are apparently not edited. Embellished pieces are in the minority.

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When you are following, and when you are followed

After entering into the application of Instagram, you immediately reach the home page, sort of the main wall. On it, you can see photographs taken by friends. However, for those who still do not follow anyone, could be interesting “popular section”.

In this section, you will find the most popular photos with the most comments or clicks and likes. This does not mean that the pieces in the above section are those of the highest quality. On average, there appear romantic, softer, or trashy pictures, which do not have great artistic value.

However, in popular section you can find such authors, from who it is appropriate to be inspired.

Then it is good to look at his or her profile. Then just start watching the person and the inspiration of the world. It is actually a kind of chain reaction. Instagram also contains a number of useful options. You can choose, for example, the camera application included in the program itself. There is no need to use the classic environment, namely the application reads directly in square format. New posts will be added to the wall easily. Clicking on the center blue button starts the camera application, you can also select a specific photo gallery of images, but you have to cut the photo to the square shape.

After making some adjustments, such as adding a filter or rotate an object, you can place the final photograph directly in the application or simply different social networks, such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and Foursquare.

Mary Anne

Mary Anne is our Marketing Team Leader. She writes about Apps, Games, Social Media Platforms, Marketing Trends and how to use Messaging Apps effectively.

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