How to Set up, Configure, Secure and Share with iMessage

ios imessage


It is very easy to start using iMessage app right out of the box. However, you will first need to configure a few things. You will only have a few steps to complete before you will be sending different kinds of content via iMessage, whether you are on a Mac, iPod Touch, iPad or iPhone. Depending on what device you are setting up, the procedure may be a little different. Therefore, make sure to go through the guidelines on getting it configured.

How to turn on read receipts in iMessage

Read receipts feature of iMessage app lets your contact see whether you have viewed a message yet or not. Some people may find read receipts useful for business and work situations, while others may consider them to be a little useless.

Replying Quickly to an iMessage by Making Use of Interactive Notifications

Have you for once receive a text or an iMessage from someone even as you are in the middle of doing something? All of us are faced the predicament of suspending our game or breaking off another activity just to hop into the Messages app to reply. Fortunately, you can reply to a message without having to leave what you are doing, if you are running iOS 8 or higher.

How to send photos using iMessage

Your iPhone is always on you more often than not, which implies that you perhaps use it to capture a lot of moments. You will probably want to share these moments with your family and friends. iMessage makes it very easy to do so and you can use it on any Mac, iPod Touch, iPad or iPhone. The person at the other end will only receive a standard SMS, which attracts a messaging rate, if he/she is not using iMessage.

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How to share your location quickly using iMessage

It makes sense to use iMessage app for location data, since it is one of the easiest ways to communicate from your iPad or iPhone. You can share your location with any iMessage group or contact for a certain period of time or until further notice, as of iOS 8. People can then get directions to your location easily that way and even send you directions on how to get somewhere, without your actual address.

How to report iMessage spam to Apple

If you receive and unwanted iMessage, You can report any iMessage spam to Apple by sending the email address of the sender, a screenshot of the message or phone number, including the date and time that the message was received, if it happens that you receive any useless iMessage. This is a great way to take absolute control of your communications!

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