Facebook Offers Free Education Software in the United States

facebook free software

It was gathered from the recent news that Facebook has entered the education market with free education software that will let children learn themselves and at a pace they can cope with. Facebook has been identified with and working with charity Summit Public Schools which has started a teaching method that lets students to be mentored in class and study online. Facebook reported that this particular project was totally different from its social network.

The chief product officer of Facebook, Chris Cox reported that the firm wanted to come up with a classroom that would focus around the ambitions of students to make this software a success. The system makes it possible for content and tests to be delivered online, while classroom time is reserved for collaborations and teacher led actual-world projects. The new technology itself has the ability to bring the daily work to life by putting it in context as revealed by Mr. Cox.

This education software from Facebook frees up classroom time for teachers to do what they like doing best, which is directly mentoring the students and for students to spend time collaborating with, and teaching one another in some cases.

But everyone was not persuaded of the move.

Leonie Haimson from the United States non-profit Class Size Matters informed the BBC that they are more particular and very particular about the privacy insinuations of the entire deal. This is in view of the fact that Facebook is well-known privacy violation and seems to be getting worse in this regard.

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The vital questions that are yeaning for answer – particularly given its reputation are; who will manage access to the personal data of students and who will care for it? Who will make a decision? Is it districts, Facebook, the school, or parents?

Project time

However, Facebook said that the small teams of engineers who are working on the project were subject to strict privacy controls to help protect student data. In California, the Personalized Learning Plan that has been developed has so far been utilized by 100 teachers and 2,000 students.

Summit Public Schools, which is Facebook's partner in the project, is one of the non-profit organizations that operate schools in the states of Washington and California.

There are more than a few elements to curriculum of the Summit – students spend some time on the personalized learning of the traditional subjects including English and math, while other time is used working on projects, mostly via online content.

Research revealed that blended or online learning really widens the achievement gap.

The plan of Summit and Facebook is to give the software to any school who wants it in the US.

The Facebook social network is not the only technology giant that offers education software. Google also provides a wide range of educational product, while the Chrome books are commonplace in classrooms.

Editorial Staff

Editorial Staff at Downloadmessenger.org is a team of WordPress Marketing Experts led by Mary Anne. Page maintained by Mary Anne.

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