Download WhatsApp Messenger and know latest Features

WhatsApp Messenger features

It could be that you are brand new to using WhatsApp Messenger, or you could also have been an addict for years, but the odds are that there are probably several things you are missing out on that could be helpful.

  1. You can format message text on demand. With a few special characters, placed before and after the text you wish to format, you can bold, italicize or strikethrough any text that you have written. For a bold text, use and asterisk (*bold*). To italicize, use an underscore (_italicize_). Strikethrough text with tildes (~strikethrough~).
  2. You can star a message. Starring a message allows you to easily go back to a phone number, address or article link that someone has sent you. To do so, simply long-press the message, then tap the star. On iOS, to view starred messages, select the star tab on the screen’s bottom. On Android phones, just tap the menu button, then tap starred messages.
  3. You can find out whom you talk to the most. If you happen to be using an iPhone, this is an easy task. Go to Settings, then select Data and Storage Use, then Storage Use. There you will see a list of contacts that will populate in the order of who is using the most storage space on your phone. You can further tap on each of these contacts for more information about each one. Android users can also find these by choosing Settings, then Chat, then Chat History and finally to Email Chat to view the same information.
  4. You can get detailed information about your texts. Swiping towards the left of any message you have sent will allow you to see message states on an iPhone. Those using the Android can long-press any message, then tap the info icon that appears that the top of the screen.
  5. You can mute any conversation. There are many times when silencing a chatty group or friend might be necessary. Android user’s will need to long-press on the particular chat and tap on the speaker icon that will be crossed out. Those using an iPhone can open the conversation they wish to mute, tap on the contact or group at the screen top and then tap “mute”. You actually have the choice to mute the chat from eight hours up to a full year.
  6. You can hide your last seen status by opening Settings, then Account, going on to Privacy and finally Last Seen. Your three setting options are Everyone, My Contacts and Nobody.
Read More >>  Setting Up WhatsApp Web on your Smartphone

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