Chrome for iOS now features offline reading mode

Chrome for iOS

As we know, Google chrome has been the best third-party browsing app for iOS so far and with every update and version released it remains at the top. However, as part of the update embarked on by Google, the company has added a new feature to it Chrome for iOS.

The upgrade now allows iOS users to save web pages for offline reading. This feature may seem familiar; this is because the feature has been on Safari browser for many years. It has the ability to synchronize saved pages between different devices and this has remained the main benefit of the feature on Safari.

Last week, Google released the beta version of Chrome version 57 for apple mobile, which was its latest version, and it contains an offline reading mode, which looks exactly and has the same name “Reading list” like the one in safari web browser. The feature was added so that it will be possible for users to easily save pages that they are unable to read immediately.

How does it work?

The feature allows you to safe online pages so that you can read offline whenever you want. You can save your favorite web pages to the Reading list on Chrome by clicking the share icon that is located at the right corner of your screen. Then tap “Read Later” from the drop-down list to add the page to your saved pages. However, you can access your saved data anytime (even when you are offline) by following the same process.

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The “Reading List” on the new Chrome version has the ability to separate saved pages that are read from the ones that are not read yet. The feature makes it more enhanced than it Safari counterpart. Moreover, the Chrome Reading list is only on the iOS and it is nowhere to be found on the chrome desktop app; meanwhile, the feature is available on Safari for Mac users.

Download Chrome for iPhone and iPad

However, the Android version of chrome already has a download feature that is similar to the newly integrated “Reading List” on iOS. The only difference is that it requires the internet to view the pages and it cannot be synchronized with the Chrome desktop version.

Users with Chrome for iOS are expected to see the feature on their next upgrade since the feature is in beta version for now and it is expected to be released to the public as soon as possible.

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