ASUS ZenFone Zoom Review

ASUS ZenFone Zoom ZXML


Most of the tech blogs and other techpreneurs for over a year now have been talking about the ASUS ZenFone Zoom ZX551ML. The launch of the phone has been faced with delays after delays. Although, it will be released in some days to come giving us lots of reasons to celebrate. The ASUS Company has been doing a lot of impressive things with their budget-friendly hardware over the past one year. ASUS ZenFone Zoom takes this idea still but to make it even better, it adds on its back a 3X optical zoom should consider knowing the following things if you are looking to purchase this phone when it will be made available to the public.

Zen UI Has Not received a Lot of Changes

If you are used to an ASUS smartphone that was unveiled within the past one year, such as ASUS ZenFone 2, you will be very familiar of how unluckily bogged down with bigger things that aren’t necessary can be to their Android-based ZenUI. Therefore, you will understand what you will be getting yourself into when purchasing ZenFone Zoom. For example, when considering the set-up process, you will have to navigate through 14 pages for you to get to the home screen of the phone. Still, one you are at the home screen, you will be greeted with some pop-up windows that will be inviting you to install some extra applications.

The Back Is Just There For Style and Looks

The ZenFone Zoom’s leather backplate will come along with a small raised section towards the underneath with stitching on both sides of the bump. The stitching and leather texture isn’t as functional as the ASUS Company might be wanting you to imagine despite them not being Note 3 Bad. They are there to give the device a feel and look of a great/proper camera. The raised section offers you with a grip as you have got the optical zoom, the volume rocker T and W symbols, and shutter buttons.

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The Giant Circle Is Mostly Out Of The Way

Regardless of some visual similarity of this phone camera and the large cameras that Nokia used to stuff in phone some time ago, the big puck shape on the back of ZenFone Zoom is there to hold a special slide mechanism for stabilization setup and the 3X optical zoom. They are very essential as they provide it with its enhanced photo capabilities. Whereas the design will give the phone some additional bulkiness, the leather texture and the backplate shaping around the camera module acts as a compensation for issues that would have arisen while using and holding the device.

The device runs extreamely smoothly and with just $400 you will be able to get it when it will be made available for public purchase some days to come.

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