Android Wear Apps marked as enhanced on Google Play Store

Google Play Store Android Wear

Debuted earlier this week is a new look for the Google Play Store. Right from the beginning, users have been receiving changes Google has been delivering to further refine its app store experience. On how Google was providing more useful information about app ratings, implementing a clear numerical system to make fractional ratings more easily conveyable, was shown earlier today.

Google Play delivers Wear support packaged within standard phone or tablet apps as opposed to rather starting a secondary app store just for wearables. You can install Messenger on your phone, and then that app makes its Android Wear content available on your wearable instead of tracking down Facebook Messenger specifically for your smart watch. The question who could be asking yourself might be on how do one knows which apps do and don’t contain such Android Wear extras. Well, there’s a category for Wear-compatible apps.

Watch icon is being added to Play Store listing by Google to mark apps which support Android Wear devices. We are yet to spot it on our own hardware, so Google could slowly be switching things on with its Play Store servers. Though it is appears that it should be coming to everyone soon.

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