Top 5 Business Apps for the Year 2015

top business apps


Check out our list of the Top 5 Business Apps for this year for iOS and Android devices. The best applications for your Business are: Evernote, Contactually, Sunrise, Refresh and Asana.

1. Evernote

When you use Evernote, you are absolutely certain that you won’t forget any crucial info or data ever again. Evernote is a very convenient app for taking notes when you’re on the go, as well as add a picture or an audio file if you want. With Evernote, you could easily create a to-do list or set a special reminder for yourself as well. A handy Chrome add-on allows the user to clip almost anything they desire thru a browser, as well.

2. Contactually

This is the best app for staying connected with everybody you know, from coworkers to former associates to prospects, quite easily. Also, the mobile application of Contactually is a breeze to use, as well. You just place your contacts inside “buckets,” then determine how frequently you wish to follow-up with persons in every single one. The app does the rest.

With Contactually you are able to save dynamic templates for making your holiday wishes, greetings, as well as follow-ups post meetings very easy, whilst still maintaining a human touch.

3. Sunrise

An underperforming calendar application is likely to affect your productivity levels. If you’re in a similar situation, Sunrise should be your way to go solution. Sunrise has a great UI & it can connect easily with all the big calendar platforms. The app allows the users to drill down for getting more info on the connections with whom you have meetings on top. With this app, you won’t need to use the calendar application available with the iPhone.

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4. Refresh

For those who take business related meetings often, Refresh is a perfect solution. This app is an incredible relationship builder as well: It sync quite well with services like FB, Gmail, & LinkedIn so that you can go for the meetings prepared & educated. With Refresh, you can review the previous interactions with the persons you will be meeting or even get more info about them.

5. Asana

Asana is a great application that allows you to organize your tasks into projects, assign them to one another, establish meetings pertaining to every task, include subtasks for getting more granular whenever essential, & also get a daily picture of how everyone is doing & which of the tasks are very difficult to be completed within a given time frame.

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